Tag Archives: Emerge

Graphic Facilitation of Equalities Pop-Up Tour

A short update to the post below to say the graphic is now complete 🙂 The graphic record is designed to describe the Equalities Consultation, Pop up tour and live debates which explored equality and diversity in continuing adult education.

Tour & Live debates. Graphic. Final mediumquality


What a different and creative way to use Graphic Recording. Not so long ago I was approached by the driving force behind an innovative consultation about equalities in adult education, Catina Barrett, Programme Manager, National Institute for Adult Continuing Education (NIACE). She described how they had talked to people the length and breadth of England, popping up literally in a camper van to meet and talk to people! They also held debates that were streamed live for wider audiences. The request was to have the methods and findings of their work translated and distilled down into an engaging Graphic Recording. The process was very interactive with the researchers working with the facilitator and the content placing, shaping, replacing information until the picture emerged that reflected the work. The image is almost complete and they plan to use it to convey the work and the findings. They hope to use it to create and hold attention to the areas people have highlighted and the actions that are recommended as a result.
